Monday, November 08, 2010

Cobweb Corner - Designer Blog: Jewelry Makeover - Episode 2 - The Hawkeye Necklac...

Cobweb Corner - Designer Blog: Jewelry Makeover - Episode 2 - The Hawkeye Necklac...: "This is the second in my series of taking old jewelry 'mistakes' and remaking them. These items include jewelry I made when I was first star..."

I love what Carla did to re-do a necklace that just wasn't selling, into a lovely set that shouldn't stay in her store for long.

Have a look, and see what I mean. :)

1 comment:

Things To Do On Cape Cod said...

There are a lot of things to do on Cape Cod. It is an exciting place where you can find amazing beaches, great lodging, good food and wonderful people, and now, gorgeous jewels!

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